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傾注人體工學設計 創造人類健康生活

端正身形與體態 也勇於做對的事 做正直的人

瑞米 Raymii 人體工學專業支架第一品牌

  瑞米 Raymii,最多高階用戶選擇的專業人體工學支架第一領導品牌,國際大廠指定搭配,在許多公共場所均能看到瑞米的產品。憑藉優良品質與客戶服務,口耳相傳的好評成為專業用戶第一選擇。政府機關,百大上市公司,北中南科學園區,各大院校,公家標案,連鎖門市,企業案場,裝潢設計與企業贈品,均首選瑞米商品,並維持高回購率。


  The Raymii Group 於2007年創於美國加州的高科技聖地[矽谷 Silicon Valley],在產業聚落重鎮[灣區 Bay Area]累積了大量創新的能量與資源。隨著企業穩健發展,現在集團內擁有多個公司與品牌,在北美與亞洲專注於車用照明,人體工學,教育,生技,零售,娛樂等不同產業領域。  集團內的專業海歸團隊擁有深厚的國際商務背景與視野,具備美國與英國百大商學院MBA企管碩士,任職百大上市公司專業經理人。成員歷練過美國,加拿大,墨西哥,泛歐大陸,俄羅斯,與中國等一級國際市場,具備PMP專案管理證照,對企業經營堅持高度要求。






  【Ray of Light. Proud to Be Mii. 光芒萬丈,以己為傲】,是品牌格言與自我信念。瑞米始終對人類懷抱熱情,用關懷驅動生活,放膽築夢,致力為世人創造健康自信的無限可能。始終不忘企業初衷,不斷追尋更高品質的服務和體驗,並堅持將謙遜上進的精神,落實在一切經營當中。


  【瑞米 Raymii】為註冊商標,並外銷歐美。瑞米堅守正派與永續經營,投保國泰產品責任險新台幣3000萬元,為產品嚴格把關,致力提供完善的售後客服體系。瑞米自建完整倉儲系統與專業服務團隊,以現貨商品與高效的出貨流程服務廣大個人與企業客群。為響應政府節能減碳助環保政策,全面使用電子發票,所有銷售均附發票,也可開立統編。



服務時間:週一至週五 9:00-17:30
瑞米客服Line官方帳號:@raymii (可傳送影片)
客服聯絡電話:02-22755699 分機201 分機202


企業業務聯絡電話:02-22755699 分機301





瑞米國際有限公司 Raymii International Limited
統一編號 66484575

登記地址 臺北市中正區重慶南路1段10號8樓之15 (聯絡地址不開放)








選購指南, 如何買螢幕架, 螢幕支架, 電腦架, 電腦支架, 升降桌, 站立辦公, 辦公支架, 筆電架, 筆電支架

Raymii is a leading brand in professional ergonomic stands, chosen by high-end users worldwide. Our products are specified by major international companies and can be seen in numerous public spaces. With a strong reputation built on quality and customer service, Raymii has become the preferred choice for professional users. Government agencies, Fortune 100 companies, science parks across northern, central, and southern regions, universities, public procurement projects, chain stores, corporate events, interior design firms, and corporate gifts consistently select Raymii products, enjoying high rates of repeat purchases.

Founded in 2007 in Silicon Valley, California, the Raymii Group has accumulated a wealth of innovative energy and resources within the Bay Area. With steady growth, the Group now comprises multiple companies and brands focusing on various industries including automotive lighting, ergonomics, education, biotechnology, retail, and entertainment in North America and Asia. Our team, composed of seasoned professionals with international business backgrounds, holds MBA degrees from top business schools in the U.S. and U.K. Members have experience in key international markets including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Russia, and China, and hold PMP project management certifications, reflecting our commitment to excellence in business operations.

The name "Raymii" embodies our mission of kindness to the world: "Ray" signifies light, and "Mii" represents self. We aspire to shine our light on others, fostering a cycle where everyone can illuminate each other. Our goal is to walk the path of integrity, illuminate the future for others, and promote a world where truth, goodness, and beauty shine brightly.

“Act Right, Sit Straight, Live Honestly – Raymii.” Integrity is at the heart of our brand’s philosophy and operational guidelines. It represents not only our expectations for ourselves but also a call for kindness to the world. We prioritize honesty in our dealings and respect for contractual commitments. By promoting ergonomic health and comfort, we help individuals develop a profound internal mindset and correct values, contributing to a life of integrity that resonates throughout society.

“Ray of Light. Proud to Be Mii.” This is our motto and belief. Raymii is passionate about humanity, driven by care, bold in pursuing dreams, and committed to creating a world of health and confidence filled with infinite possibilities. We maintain our original mission, consistently seeking higher quality services and experiences while embodying humility and progress in all our endeavors.

Raymii is a registered trademark with exports to Europe and America. We are dedicated to integrity and sustainable management, with product liability insurance of NT$30 million from Cathay Insurance ensuring stringent product quality control. We provide comprehensive after-sales service and have established a complete warehousing system with a professional service team to ensure efficient delivery for our individual and corporate customers. In line with government initiatives for energy conservation and carbon reduction, we utilize electronic invoicing for all sales, which can also be issued with tax identification numbers.


For prompt assistance, please use the "Contact Us" feature located in the top right corner of our website.


Customer Service Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM

Official Raymii Customer Service Line Account: @raymii

Customer Service Email: service@raymii.com

Customer Service Phone Number: +8862-22755699 (Ext. 201 or 202)

Customer Service Mobile Number: +886-974286654